Monday, April 9, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Great Logos With A Secret Meaning

The FedEx logo has an arrow hidden between the letters E and X. Lindon Leader designed this famous logo in 1994, as Senior Design Director at Landor Associates, San Francisco. It was a result of a work where more than 200 logos were designed before the designer arrived to this solution. It won over forty logo awards worldwide.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

US gives exemption on Iran sanctions to 11 nations

US gives exemption on Iran sanctions to 11 nations

By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press – 7 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Tuesday exempted 10 European Union countries and Japan from U.S. economic sanctions because they have significantly reduced their purchases of petroleum from Iran.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton granted waivers to Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Japan, meaning that banks and other financial institutions based there will not be hit with penalties under U.S. law for a renewable period of 180 days.

President Barack Obama has until March 30 to determine whether oil prices and supplies are sufficient enough to levy sanctions later this year on countries that still buy oil from Iran. Pending that decision, another 12 nations — including India, China and South Korea — that are deemed to be major importers of Iranian oil have until June 28 to take similar steps or face sanctions.

The sanctions target foreign financial institutions that do business with Iran's central bank by barring them from opening or maintaining correspondent operations in the United States. It would apply to foreign central banks only for transactions that involve the sale or purchase of petroleum or petroleum products.

The petroleum penalties only apply if the president determines there is a sufficient alternative supply and if the country with jurisdiction over the financial institution has not significantly reduced its purchases of Iranian oil. It also allows the president to waive the penalties based on national security.

In a statement, Clinton lauded the countries granted exemptions, noting that the actions they had taken to reduce their imports from Iran "were not easy."

"They had to rethink their energy needs at a critical time for the world economy and quickly begin to find alternatives to Iranian oil, which many had been reliant on for their energy needs," she said. "We commend these countries for their actions and urge other nations that import oil from Iran to follow their example."

Clinton singled out Japan for praise, noting that it had acted despite severe energy constraints brought about by last year's earthquake and tsunami. Japan has reduced its imports by between 15 percent and 22 percent by finding other suppliers and focusing on alternative energy sources, according to U.S. officials.

The European nations were already subject to European Union rules requiring them to phase out their imports. Those rules were put in place after the passage of the U.S. sanctions legislation that is designed to further isolate Iran and compel it to comply with U.N. demands to come clean about its nuclear program. The U.S. and its allies accuse Iran of using the program to develop atomic weapons while Iran insists it is to produce nuclear energy.

"The United States is leading an unprecedented international coalition of partners that has brought to bear significant pressure on the Iranian regime to change its course," Clinton said. "Diplomacy coupled with strong pressure can achieve the long-term solutions we seek and we will continue to work with our international partners to increase the pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations."

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who co-authored the sanctions legislation designed to thwart Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program with Republican Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, said in a statement that he supported the secretary's decision.

"The sanctions are working — many countries and companies have stepped up in recognition of the real threat that Iran poses to its neighbors and the global community and are terminating business relations with Iran," he said. "For the first time we are seeing a real impact on the Iranian economy."

"I think our message to Iran is clear and time will tell what they value more, their nuclear program or the political and economic stability of their state," Menendez said.

Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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